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Mold and Mildew Treatment | Wyoming, MI

Mold Near Floor | Wyoming, MI | Everdry Michigan

Mold And Mildew

Every home owner’s worst fear is mold and mildew taking over. Not only does it have enormous health implications, particularly for those with existing health problems, but it makes homes unsightly and causes a whole host of unpleasant odors.

You must go through a specific set of guidelines when attempting to clean mold and mildew to avoid causing even more damage.

Indoor Mold on Wall | Wyoming, MI | Everdry Grand Rapids

Hit the Source

It’s pointless cleaning an item or a mold source without first addressing why it happened in the first place. The major reason for mildew and mold is leaks. Leaks and various other plumbing problems need to be rectified before you begin the clean-up process.

We recommend calling in a professional to help with this.

Hard Surfaces

Begin scrubbing mildew and mold from hard surfaces using a simple detergent and warm water. Wait for it to dry and your hard surfaces will be as good as new.

Take note that if the surface hasn’t been cleaned for a long time, you may find that the original appearance won’t be restorable.

Porous Material

Anything porous is particularly vulnerable to mildew and mold. If they’re afflicted, chances are they can’t be saved. The issue is the tiny holes within the material. When mold grows here it’s extremely difficult to remove. You may even find it impossible to do so.

Depending on how severe your problem is, it may be a better option to simply replace the item.

Painting Issues

One of the biggest mistakes people make is attempting to paint over any area afflicted by mold and mildew. This is a quick fix because it gets rid of the unsightliness. On the other hand, the paint will begin to peel in time and there’s nothing you can do about this.

Always clean before painting or caulking.

My Favorite Furniture is Moldy, What Should I Do?

You can’t always restore furniture using a DIY method. Sometimes the only way to restore a coveted family heirloom is to approach a specialist. There are specialists in furniture repair who can repair even the most problematic piece of furniture.

When you seek out someone to help with this, bear the following in mind.

  • Do they have any references?
  • How long have they been in business?
  • What do they specialize in?

Whilst you can do much to repair the damage caused by mildew and mold, we always recommend calling in a professional. Contact us today!