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Consider This Before You Hire Basement Waterproofing Services in Grand Rapids MI

basement waterproofing services

Basement Waterproofing Services in Grand Rapids MI

Your foundation is damaged. You know you need basement waterproofing services. Which service should you choose? Which solution will work best for your basement?

When faced with a damaged or leaky basement, it is wise to leave the repair to the professionals. However, it can be confusing to determine which professional to leave the job to. There are so many contractors offering different solutions. How can you tell that the solution and contractor you choose will be the right one?

This is a fear that many homeowners encounter when choosing basement waterproofing services. The fact is that there are many solutions to any one problem. The challenge is in determining which solution will work best for your situation.

The following are some tips to identify the right service and solution for your basement:

  1. Method of diagnosis

A reliable service will make a point of visiting your home to thoroughly inspect and assess the basement. This is the only way to come up with the right solution and an accurate quote for the services required for the repair. The contractor ought to discuss the issue with you and the different options available. They should have instruments to take measurements. This ensures that they know the extent of the damage in your basement.

  1. Methods that are up to code

The methods suggested by the contractor should meet the requirements of building codes in your area. You’re under no obligation to give an answer immediately. Take the time to research the solution suggested by the contractor. Does it use high quality and heavy-duty materials? Does it give long term results? What are other people saying about it?

  1. A complete solution

Basement seepage is often the result of various different factors. It follows that basement waterproofing solutions should address all the factors contributing to the seepage and not just one. The contractor should offer you a complete solution. This is a solution that not only includes the repair of the foundation but also covers aspects such as grading and addressing waterspouts if need be. This will ensure that the waterproofing is not only effective but also lasts for a long time to come.

  1. Good references

Repairing a foundation can be involving and expensive. It is therefore important to ensure that it is done properly the first time. No one wants to take a risk with the foundation of their home. It is therefore important to check the references of the services you are interested in hiring. Ask other people how they liked their contractor’s work and if they would recommend them.

Repairing a foundation is serious business. It pays to have a good contractor. Do your homework so that you won’t regret your decision.